The date is getting closer: The edited volume on “Brands and Branding Geographies” (Edward Elgar, 2011) by the British economic geographer Andy Pike (University of Newcastle) will be published in August. The edition deals with the issues of brands, branding and brand development. So far, economic geographers have hardly covered this theme that is of utmost relevance in several industries and for current economic affairs.
The book is in four parts: an introduction and presentation of the setup of the book; goods, services, and knowledge; spaces and places; and a summary. It consists of 19 chapters and covers different economic sectors. It also deals with the state and its role for brands and branding and develops significant theoretical input for economic geography.
In Chapter 8 on „Sensing brands, branding scents: On perfume creation in the fragrance industry“, I connect the literature on knowledge and practices of knowing with the literature on brands and branding. I use the example of the perfume and fragrance industry wherein branding plays a focal role. In the Chapter, I cover relevant activities and knowing practices that become prominent during the development of a branded perfume; I describe, develop, and analyze emerging geographies of knowledge. The Chapter draws from my empirical research and presents food for thought for the current discussion in the discipline. Furthermore, it elaborates on creative processes in the perfume and fragrance industry.
Please stay tuned!
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