Parallel to my current projects in the perfume and cosmetics industry, I also publish credentials of my academic work. Very recently, the book on “Brands and Branding Geographies”, edited by Prof. Dr. Andy Pike (Newcastle University) and published by Edward Elgar, came out. In Chapter 8 on “Sensing brands, branding scents: on perfume creation in the fragrance industry”, I analyze and characterize creative practices of knowing in the international fragrance industry in their specific geographies. Read more
Recently, I discussed in the article about slow perfume (which was also recognized elsewhere) the idea that perfume creations can – in consideration of their timely constitution and long-term continuity – be thought of as valuable individual goods instead of accelerated mass products. This idea is based on several components.
One basic component is the facet of authenticity. Authenticity is extremely relevant in the case of multiple other products and groups of products that demand well-trained capacities in explaining and presenting those goods. Read more