New book available now

New book available now

Parallel to my current projects in the perfume and cosmetics industry, I also publish credentials of my academic work. Very recently, the book on “Brands and Branding Geographies”, edited by Prof. Dr. Andy Pike (Newcastle University) and published by Edward Elgar, came out. In Chapter 8 on “Sensing brands, branding scents: on perfume creation in the fragrance industry”, I analyze and characterize creative practices of knowing in the international fragrance industry in their specific geographies.

One of the comments concerning the book is: “An important effort to pull together multidisciplinary research on the spatial dimensions of brands and branding in an international context.” (John A. Quelch, Harvard Business School, USA)

Furthermore, the book cover highlights: “Despite overstated claims of their ‘global’ homogeneity, ubiquity and contribution to ‘flattening’ spatial difference, the geographies of brands and branding actually do matter. This vibrant collection provides a comprehensive reference point for the emergent area of brand and branding geographies in a multi-disciplinary and international context [emphasis added].”

In essence, the highlighted issues of global homogeneity, ubiquity and flatter spatial differences can be balanced against the case of the perfume industry that I discuss in Chapter 8. There, I stress that – against the imagined homogeneity of globalizing strategies in order to brand – the existing strategies, efforts, and resulting geographies are multiplex and multi-scalar. Globalization and globalizing strategies remain fuzzy.

In the last sentence, the text on the book cover mentions: “The book will prove a fascinating and illuminating read for academics, researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers focusing on the spatial dimensions of brands and branding.” Thus, “Brands and Branding Geographies” is available for purchase at the editors’ webpage, for instance, and on Amazon.

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