Monthly archive - Mai 2013

Elements Dubai, May 28-30, 2013

Picture 3The 5th Elements Showcase took place in New York in January 2013. Now, the organizers of the event use the opportunity to create and present synergies by organizing the first Elements Dubai parallel to BeautyWorld ME, Messe Frankfurt. It is the intention to communicate the idea of niche perfumes and cosmetics also to this area of the world and to give the Elements-concept a broader floor. I am curious and looking forward to participating in this first event.

KarmaKonsum-Konferenz 2013

Picture 2In der kommenden Woche findet die Jahreskonferenz des Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerkes “KarmaKonsum” in Frankfurt statt. Die Plattform widmet sich den Themen “gesunde und nachhaltige Lebensstile (LOHAS)” und “neues Wirtschaften (CSR)”. Die 7. KarmaKonsum-Konferenz am 23. und 24. Mai 2013 steht unter dem Titel “Unity in Diversity. Kooperation zwischen Grassroots und Mainstream im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit.” Beispielsweise spricht Charmian Love, CEO Volans, in einer Keynote-Speech zum Thema “The Social Intrapreneur – A New Breed of Corporate Change Makers” und fokussiert den Bedarf nach zukunftsorientierter Geschäftsführung und generationenübergreifender Innovation. Ich freue mich auf neue Erkenntnisse.

Exhibition Chanel No. 5, Paris, May/June 2013

Picture 3In a review, I recently wrote about Tilar J. Mazzeo’s book on Chanel No. 5 (available in German, too). She characterizes all components of the coming into being of this legacy perfume that is elsewhere characterized -with a positive connotation- as a “monster”. Shortly, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris will open an exhibition focusing on Chanel No. 5 (May 5-June 5, 2013). Previous editions took place in Moscow, Beijing, and Canton. The website mentions: “The works of art, photographs, archives and objects exhibited provide an account of the many inspirations which fed the imagination and world of Mademoiselle Chanel.”